145L Non-confidential Container
We designed and manufactured a secure, wheeled container for document disposal and PODS (Portable On-Demand Shredding) was born.
Our stylish 145-litre non-confidential container fits comfortably into any office environment.
The pod is handled to the same exacting standards as secure containers and allows businesses to improve their environmental performance.
We sort all recyclables, allowing clients to easily dispose of all their non-confidential used and waste stationery and paper as well as magazines and other paper-based items.
Destruction and annual Environmental certificates are issued to clients using our document shredding service.
Container shredding costs include delivery and collection. A telephone request received by 10am ensures containers are exchanged on the same day.
Help us Keep Guernsey Green. Call us today on 01481 251484 to discuss your shredding requirements.